I settled on Sysinternals PSExec tool for a quick and dirty solution.
You can find the full syntax and download for PSExec here.
So, to audit a full list of computers:
psexec -i -a 1 @c:\pclist.txt -u domain\username -p password -w \\server\audit\pc \\server\audit\pc\audit.exe
Your list of computers should be their computer name (as it appears in Active Directory) with each computer separated by a carriage return.
Just use a notepad document with the computer names on separate lines. For Example,
You also must be sure that the credentials you are using have local administrative privileged on the machine.
To just audit an individual computer:
psexec -i -a 1 \\computername -u domain\username -p password -w \\server\audit\pc \\server\audit\pc\audit.exe
And that's it. Far easier than traveling to every computer to run the tool.
Hello Friends,
ReplyDeleteThis is a very nice blog. One can use PSExec to Remotely Audit machines. PSExec audit executable manually used on every users machine. It is very much applicable to script something. Thanks for giving valuable information......
Server Auditing Tools